Thursday, January 13, 2011

2 Day Cleanse

My 2 day cleanse went well.

1st day's intake:
1 Vanilla SlimFast ~ 180
2 Chicken McNuggets ~ 96
+ Diet Pepsi, Green Tea, & WATER
TOTAL: 276

2nd day's intake:
1 Strawberry Pop Tart ~ 200
1 'Blue Machine' Naked Smoothie ~ 319
+ Diet Coke, WATER
TOTAL: 519

I'm pretty proud of myself considering it's been a while since I've stayed under 800 calories! My addy's are suppressing any appetite that I might've had. Classes have started up this semester & I'm concentrating hard on them - I'm aiming for all A's. If I have any cravings I'm going to do homework, homework, homework & then some to take my mind off of food. Also I'm going to drink 2 water bottles per class. YUMMY Crystal Light packets - I can sip on those all day!

Did anyone see the Megan Fox bikini pictures? I randomly came across them. This is what made me want to start restricting again - she looks AMAZING! My goal is to have a waist and abs like Megan by swimsuit season... except with less boobs & more BONES!

I wish it was summer already! It's terribly cold here now. The mornings are brutal getting out of my perfectly warm, comfy bed. I've been shivering all day, & I can't tell if it's because the entire room is cold or if it's just me. Well I might as well get used to it since I'm going to be losing all my extra PADDING! ;)


Monday, January 10, 2011

New year, new life, new body, new ME!

A lot has happened since I was last posting on my blog..

I started discovering (good) music, especially in my hometown Omaha. I've attended countless shows and festivals around the country. I also started hula-hooping! It's amazingly fun and a fantastic workout. I even performed a few times - and with FIRE! I've made new lifetime friends and had the time of my life. Between the constant drug use, dancing, and partying, I've hardly had to worry about my weight and size. However, now that Winter is here, I've packed on the pounds and people are definitely noticing...

"You look soooo much healthier!"
"I'm glad to see you're putting some meat on your bones."
and the kicker... "You used to be so skinny."

I know these comments are supposed to be compliments. But that doesn't lessen the sting of those words.

So as the new year rolls on through, I've decided to start restricting and dieting again. The book, Look Better Naked, also made me want to restrict again - the covergirl is perfectly thin and at the same time, also looks a little like me... except... better. She's much better. She looks confident in her own skin (she is posing almost nude in all the photos!), she probably likes the way she looks. She eats healthier than me and exercises more. She what I want to be.

To kick-start my weight loss, and my quest back to thinness, I am going to do a 2-day cleanse. Here's the plan:

- Only liquids.
- Under 400 calories per day.
- 1 SlimFast Vanilla per day.
- Absolutely, positively NO SLIP-UPS

The last part is extremely important for me. 99% of the time, my weight gain is binges and junk food.

Wish me luck ladies, XoXo